After ten full on days and well over 2000 km in Tarquin, our hired luxury motorhome, we were relieved to get to Cairns for a good wash and a bit of a rest. We had no real plans, but knew that we couldn’t leave without getting the kids out onto the Great Barrier Reef, Read More
I woke up this morning, and realised that I was eleven! Once I got everybody up, it turned out that my mum and dad had got me a card, and Evan had drawn me a picture. At seven o’clock a mini-van pulled up outside and we all piled in to head to Cham Island,, Read More
This Monday me and my mum went diving at the top of the rock in Welligama Bay, Sri Lanka. It was my first open water dive so we hopped on a boat and drove out to the top of the rock.
I never thought I’d say I was glad to be in stinky Bangkok, but after just over a week in Cambodia I was delighted to be back. The journey out of the country was unsurprisingly not as advertised. Highway 6 isn’t in fact tarmac’d, and after three hours of bumping along a dirt track the, Read More