Three hundred and eighty million years ago, in the Devonian period, Australia was busy building it’s first barrier reef. But this was over in the Northwest of the country, not on the east coast. At the time, the seabed was falling away and the sea was getting deeper, but at a rate that was, Read More
After the isolation of our time at Charnley River Station, we headed off to explore some of the more popular places on the Gibb River Road. Having been greeted by the very enthusiastic Barry and Jeanette, I was somewhat disappointed with how tightly we had to squeeze Bruce into the Silent Grove campsite. But, Read More
After ten full on days and well over 2000 km in Tarquin, our hired luxury motorhome, we were relieved to get to Cairns for a good wash and a bit of a rest. We had no real plans, but knew that we couldn’t leave without getting the kids out onto the Great Barrier Reef, Read More
Australia is enormous. Not just big. But off the scale huge. I’ve always thought that it’s quite a long way to Nanna’s house in North Wales from our house near Portsmouth on the south coast of England. But Australians would consider driving that distance to get to the shops. We’d landed on the biggest, Read More
Singapore was probably our most “stop gap” destination so far. We didn’t really have it on our list of places to visit, but a brief stopover in the city state was the most cost effective way of travelling between Malaysia and Australia – especially as our good friend Ryan spanked a bunch of hotel, Read More