After crossing the Bay of Biscay in our first ever ‘Oh my God! We can’t see land!’ experience, we deserved a bit of a rest, some nice food and a few cold beers. A Coruña (or La Coruña) in Northern Spain turned out to be a lovely town with atmospheric streets brimming with chilled, Read More
After a week of sailing along the English south coast in pretty rubbish weather with the wind constantly in the wrong direction, we picked up Uncle Adam in Falmouth, filled the cupboards with baked beans and Angel Delight and we were off! We slipped the lines at 6am as the sun rose over the, Read More
Renaming a boat is something that seems to strike fear into the hearts of superstitious sailors everywhere. Apparently it’s really bad luck to change the name of a boat, even if the current name is a bit rubbish. If you are brave enough to anger the gods by changing a boat name, then there, Read More
What are our must have boat gadgets for living aboard and travelling on our sailing boat?? After travelling overland around the world, we were pretty good at knowing what travel gear worked in our backpacks, and what didn’t. We had our favourite travel accessories that are invaluable to us while on the road. Since, Read More
I’d been looking forward to “hauling out day” for about a month. It marked the official end of our first sailing season and would be the start of a new chapter in the book that I’m going to write about all of this when I get around to it (although I said that about, Read More
The learning curve of an inexperienced, new boat owner has been a lot steeper than I expected. Owning and fixing up an older sailing boat for cruising the world has been much more of an emotional roller coaster ride that I was prepared for. During the first five months, we have had many boat, Read More
The RYA Diesel Engine Course doesn’t sound like the most exciting way to spend a Sunday, does it? Well, it isn’t. But if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to learn all about that diesel engine on your boat and save loads of money in the long term, this is it! Read this, Read More
I’ve now got just over seven months of early morning train action under my belt, commuting from Portsmouth on the 06:34 to London, it’s high time for a bit of reflective writing. I’m looking back on the highs and lows of the commute, boat ownership and our first summer of sailing. Things have definitely, Read More